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Una buona birra in buona compagnia, piace quasi a tutti. |
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Ein gutes Bier in guter Gesellschaft, gefällt fast Allen |
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Ho usato: Cartoncino Bristol, Carta: PK9151, Immagine: EWK1276, Collectables: COL1397, COL1482, Creatables: LR0647, LR0648, di Marianne Design. |
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Ich habe gebraucht: Fotokarton, Papier: PK9151, Bildchen: EWK1276, Collectables: COL1397, COL1482, Creatables: LR0647, LR0648, von Marianne Design. |
Ciao a tutti, Ulla.
Challenge: http://mariannedesign.blogspot.com/2020/06/challenge-250.html
un vostro commento mi fa piacere.
ein lieber Komment macht mir Freude.
Prachtig kaartje heb je gemaakt!
RispondiEliminaGroetjes Suzan
DT MD Challenge blog
You've made a nice card but the challenge by Marianne Design is to use letters and numbers and I don't see any numbers on your card. The word 'ein' doesn't count as a number. So, when you want to play along with our challenge we would like you to add a number on your card.
RispondiEliminaGroetjes van Henriët
DT MD Challenge blog
Hi Ursula
RispondiEliminaJust as Henriët says you have to use Caracacters AND figures on your card.
I have to delete your card for now. Sorry
You can place another one with both on it
Kind Regards
Beste Anita, Henriet, Suzan, omdat Nederlands niet mijn moedertaal is, heb ik niet alles goed begrepen. Neem me niet kwalijk. Ik plaats een nieuwe kaart.
EliminaVriendelijke groeten, Ursula-